Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Sewing For Babies

So I joined this community service group called "Sewing For Babies." They make little hats, blankets, booties, clothes, and burial outfits for the little ones in the NICU at the hospital. They get together once a month to craft and then bring whatever they have finished throughout the month. I volunteered and am going to concentrate on making little hats and booties and maybe try some little gowns. I am excited to finally be involved in something and especially something so good. My sister-in-law had her baby very prematurely and I remember how much it meant for someone to donate a little pumpkin hat for him to wear in the hospital instead of the white little hospital clothes. It will also give me a good excuse to continue learning to crochet.

1 comment:

Pamela said...

I love that. What a great thing. When my SIL had her baby still born she thought it was the most amazing thing that there was a group at the hospital that had barial clothes for the baby and they also came and took impressions of the babies feet for her so that she has molds of the feet.