Wednesday, November 19, 2014

This and That

 This girl loves yogurt!
 So much for the baby lid on that thing, she managed to get it off and spill Cheerios all over. So she just laid down in her mess and continued eating.
This poor boy has been fighting some serious germs. He had Scarlet Fever the last week then on Sunday he all of a sudden felt nauseous. He hung around the toilet for a while and I gave him a wet wash cloth and next thing I knew he was asleep on the floor. Poor boy!
 Eliza finally has just enough hair to make a little pony tail on top! So cute! And look at those blue eyes!
 She finally has her bottom 2 teeth in so we bought her some gear to start brushing her pearly whites! Now she throws a complete tantrum when you take away her tooth brush at the end. It's super cute and kinda funny.

 Blackberries sure made her look strange.
Liam and his Halloween straw

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